Monday, October 18, 2010


Storm is claiming the country right now. Winds howling and rain is pouring hard. This storm makes me feel sleepy and lazy. I would like to sleep all day long  but then I need to work today. So I need to brush off the feeling of lazy bums and knots. Anyway, I hope school will announce suspension of classes for the reason of flood. I keep on dragging my feet to walk fast and work. Should I reconsider not going to work today? What about my pupils, sure they know i haven't been absent since the first day I met them, they will be at school waiting for me. Greedy me not to meet them, right?
I posted my student's ranking last night before meeting with the parents. Some were happy about their child's achievement, some didn't comment, some play dead, you don't have to wonder what they think of their children seeing their expressions upon receiving the report card.
But I am happy for the result of the meeting, I was able to convinced them to help their children achieve and discover their own talents. Children are children. They need help in every aspect of their life. So teach them well.
God bless you all.