Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Slimming Diet

I have read this tips and I think it will help others. Specially with those one who tried very hard to slim down even for a bit. The way people cook and the food available to the market has a sound matter in what we are today. I believe it is not a matter of how much you eat, or how frequently you feels like eating but it is what you eat. I am not saying you need to change the food you are actually taking in. But be considerate on putting it on your meal. The food I read is good and might not break you if you add this on your list. It helps me a lot, excluding the gym and working style i got. It also helps my mom to be on her knees. With osteoperosis, I need to assemble large reading and meet many people with what they call "We are the healthy people who plan this blah blah blah" And believe me sometimes they scared me away....But I have learned a few bits that I can share. I hope it will help in anyway.

1. An orange juice diet.

On the orange juice diet every day you should drink at least 1.5 liters of orange juice. Juice must be fresh! On this diet you can eat almost everything, but only drink orange juice.

The duration of such a diet – 10 days!

Orange juice is very tasty. Orange juice contains important vitamins and minerals, one glass of juice covers the daily requirement of vitamin C.
Orange juice is indispensable during the cold season to prevent and treat colds and beriberi, he strengthens blood vessels, lowers high blood pressure – is useful in hypertension, contributes to a qualitative improvement in the blood, improves digestion, activates the brain, stimulates cell metabolism, burns fat, enhances the immune system and kills bacteria.
Orange juice has a strong anti-cancer effect, it is perfectly toned and relieves fatigue.
Orange juice is contraindicated for people with gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, and in disorders of the intestine and gastritis with high acidity from him, too, should be abandoned.
Orange juice – one of the most low-calorie juices.
Regular consumption of grapefruit and orange juice prevents the development of osteoporosis

 Raspberry diet for weight loss well-balanced, and lasts only 3 days. During these days you can lose up to 2 kilograms of excess weight. Raspberry diet effectively suppresses hunger.

Useful properties of raspberries.
Raspberry, as one of the most popular and delicious fruit, has useful medicinal properties. Raspberries are widely used in folk medicine for the prevention and treatment of many diseases.
Raspberries contain many useful and necessary body substances, vitamins and elements. In the raspberry found sugar (9-10%), potassium, iron, pectin, copper, cellulose, tannins, organic acids, vitamins PP, C, B1, B12

Tuna fish diet help you lose 3 pounds in 3 days.

What is the Tuna Fish Diet?
The tuna fish diet should be observed for three days, followed by four days of normal nutrition. You have to eat tuna every day. Also you are allowed to drink tea, black coffee and water.
Regular consumption of tuna a positive effect on the body, because it contains a lot of vitamin D, Omega-3 (to 50% reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, improve brain function and help reduce weight). Tuna is rich in vitamins and phosphorus. He almost does not contain fat and made with the addition of minimum amount of salt to enhance flavor.

At the yogurt diet can be reset 5-6 kg for 10 days. The duration of the diet – from 7 to 14 days.

Yogurt normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, improves immunity, promotes withdrawal from the body of toxins, improves metabolism. In the yogurt contains all the necessary substances – fat, carbohydrates and proteins.
Permitted Products:

- Yogurt Natural – 500 grams per day. (By yogurt diet need to eat 500 grams daily of natural yogurt.)

- Fruit – up to 300 g. (Excluded melon, grapes and watermelon from the high sugar content.)

- Meat (chicken, veal, turkey without skin and fat) – up to 100 g (1 piece), is better at lunch.

- Vegetables (tomatoes, radishes, cucumbers, sweet peppers) and green no more than 300 grams per day.

Maple syrup diet is a helped millions of people around the world. The main function of the Maple Syrup diet is to cleanse the organism out of toxins.

Maple syrup is very fond of people who need to count calories, because it is a hundred percent fat-free product. In its high content of potassium, iron and calcium, and even maple syrup contains no sucrose, which is much more useful to the human body. Maple syrup – fully organic product.
Maple Syrup – concentrated juice of sugar maple, which grows only in North America. 75% of the syrup produced in Quebec, Canada. From a single maple tree would be about 4 liters of juice.
Maple syrup diet was rapid expansion in the UK after the singer and actress Beyonce Knowles stated that miracle maple syrup helped her lose six kilos in ten days.

How the Diet Works

On the maple syrup diet you will be herbal tea, drinking lemonade and water. The ingredients in the lemonade are: maple syrup, fresh lime, cayenne peppers, and water. Need drinking the lemonade from 5 to 10 times per day.

Cheese diet – this is a great way to combat excess weight. In this fast diet can lose weight up to 10 kg. per week without causing damage to the body. Cheese diet should not last longer than 10 days.

Cheese – a product in which a lot of useful substances. In the cheese contains 27% protein, 50% fat, from 400 to 700 mg of mineral salts of calcium and phosphorus. This composition makes the cheese an important element in the diet.

Useful Properties of cheese

By the beneficial properties of cheese is the fact that it contains easily digestible protein, vitamins B, and minerals, and vitamins A and D. The protein is part of the cheese is almost completely absorbed by the body and serves as the building blocks of cells.
100 grams of cheese completely covers the daily need for calcium and half the requirements for animal fats.
The basis of cheese diets are all sorts of cheeses, raw vegetables, curd cheese. Cheese diet involves the use of low-fat varieties of cheese. Must be a lot of hot drink. Need to drink to black, herbal, green tea.
Sample menu cheese diet

8:00: black unsweetened coffee;

10:00: egg, hard-boiled (one);

12:00: lean meat or ham (200g);

14:00: cheese with low fat (100g);

16:00: cottage cheese with 0% fat (250);

18:00: a cup of nonfat kefir.

Benefits cheese diet:

1. This diet does not require cooking. You have less time to spend in the kitchen, which helps you avoid the temptation to eat something from the fridge.

2. Periods of time between meals rather short, so the body does not manage to get hungry, small portions help ease the stomach.

3. These products are particularly useful in the spring, when your skin, nails and hair are not in too good condition. These products are rich in proteins and minerals.
Disadvantages cheese diet:
1. If you have any problems with the digestive tract, it is better not to resort to such a cheese diet. Dairy products can harm the patient stomach.
2. In the diet, no fruit and vegetables, which can badly affect the body, especially in the spring, when vitamin deficiency in full swing.

God bless you all...Remember..health is wealth

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